What Are The Best Exercises For Weight Loss?

best exercises for weight loss

Exercise is a key part of losing weight. It’s suggested to do 300 minutes of moderate activity each week. This can help you see good results. There are many exercises out there that can help.

Some top exercises for losing weight are:

  • Brisk walking
  • Jumping rope
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Strength training
  • Pilates
  • Jogging
  • Hiking
  • Yoga

Key Takeaways:

  • Exercise is crucial for losing weight.
  • Aim for 300 minutes of moderate activity each week.
  • Techniques like brisk walking, jumping rope, HIIT, and more work well.
  • It’s smart to mix up your exercises for the best results.
  • Always talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise plan.

Brisk Walking

Starting a regular exercise? Brisk walking is perfect. It brings many health perks and aids in shedding pounds.

For weight loss, it’s very effective. It burns about 150 extra calories each day over normal walking. To burn more calories, walk faster and for longer periods.

The Benefits of Brisk Walking for Weight Loss

Here’s why brisk walking is great for losing weight:

  • It Boosts Calorie Burn: By walking briskly, you burn more calories, helping you lose weight faster.
  • It’s Easy Anywhere: You can do it almost anywhere, making it super convenient.
  • No Extra Gear: You don’t need special clothes or a gym. Just wear comfy shoes.
  • Less Injury Risk: It’s gentle on your body, decreasing joint stress much more than running does.
  • It’s Good for the Mind: Walking outdoors cuts stress and makes your mood better, improving your mental wellness.

Tips for Getting Started with Brisk Walking

  1. First, Set a Goal: Strive for 150 minutes of brisk walking each week. Begin slowly and increase your walk length and pace.
  2. Get the Right Shoes: Buy good walking shoes to avoid blisters and foot pain.
  3. Do Warm-ups: Warm up with light stretches before walking and cool your body down properly after.
  4. Know Your Limits: Be aware of any pain or tiredness. If you feel bad, walk slower or take a break.
  5. Walk with Others: Try walking with a friend. It makes walking fun and keeps you going.

Tracking Your Progress

Tracking your walks can boost your motivation to meet your goals. Use a tracker or app to follow your steps and calories. Remember to set achievable targets and celebrate meeting them to stay inspired on your weight loss path.

brisk walking

Walking Speed Calories Burned Per Hour (Based on 150 lbs/68 kg)
2 mph (3.2 km/h) 204 calories
3 mph (4.8 km/h) 314 calories
4 mph (6.4 km/h) 408 calories
5 mph (8 km/h) 498 calories

Remember, sticking to brisk walking regularly is the real secret to losing weight. Stay committed, make it your routine, and reap the benefits. It’s a straightforward yet powerful way to get fit.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is great for losing weight and getting fit. It’s not just effective; it’s also fun. You can burn a lot of calories by jumping rope, even more than by walking on a treadmill. This exercise works your whole body, making your muscles stronger, from your core to your legs.

When you jump, your core muscles work hard to keep you steady. This improves your ab muscles and helps you stand up straight. The movement also shapes your legs, making them stronger.

Jumping rope helps you get better at moving your hands and feet together. This makes you more coordinated and balanced. It’s a workout that’s good for your body and your brain.

jumping rope

Starting with jumping rope is easy. Begin slowly and then do more as you get used to it. You can try different jumps as you get better, like jumping on one leg or doing criss-cross jumps.

Jumping rope is not only an effective weight loss exercise but also a fun and engaging way to improve cardiovascular fitness and muscle tone. Plus, it can be done virtually anywhere, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

To make the most of jumping rope, add it to other types of exercise. This way, you’ll burn even more calories and stay healthy.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Want a workout that burns more fat in less time? High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is perfect for you. It mixes short, intense exercises with brief rest periods. This way of exercising is very popular for its ability to cut weight.

HIIT stands out when it comes to losing weight. In a HIIT session, you push hard for short intervals. Not only do you burn a lot of calories during this time, but you also keep your body burning fat long after.

How does HIIT promote weight loss?

In HIIT, your body keeps burning calories even after you stop. This is because it works hard to recover from the intense exercise. That extra calorie burn can continue for a whole day after your workout, helping a lot with weight loss.

Furthermore, HIIT boosts your metabolism and heart health. It makes your body use oxygen better, which makes you fitter overall. With HIIT, you get in shape faster than with other kinds of exercise.

HIIT for weight loss

How to incorporate HIIT into your routine

Remember, HIIT can be tough, so you should start slowly. Increase the intensity bit by bit. If you’re just starting, a certified trainer can ensure you’re doing it right.

HIIT can be customized to fit you. Pick from various exercises like sprints or burpees. The goal is to go as hard as you can during the tough parts and rest well after.

Try to fit 2-3 HIIT workouts into your week. A session should be 20 to 45 minutes long, but it depends on your fitness and time. Always warm up and cool down to stay safe and help your body recover.

Adding High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to your exercises can greatly help with losing weight. It combines tough exercises with rest, keeping your body burning fat for a long time. Give it a shot and see those pounds drop!


Cycling is a top choice for getting fit without hurting your joints. It’s a low-impact way to trim down and feel good. Plus, you get to see the sights as you work out.

How many calories you burn biking depends on lots of things. Like how fast you go and how much you weigh. On average, biking can burn 400-750 calories an hour. Whether you’re taking it easy or going full speed, you’ll shed some pounds with each mile you ride.

The best part about biking is its soft touch on your body. It’s much easier on your joints than high-impact sports like running. This is great news for those with achy joints or healing from an injury. They can still keep fit without worrying.

Boost your workout by throwing in some speed or hill climbs. This not only ups the calorie burn but also gets your heart pumping. Cycling works out your legs really well too, hitting all the major muscle groups.

Always put safety first when on your bike. That means wearing a helmet and clothes that stand out. Also, drink water, keep good posture, and slowly raise your workout’s toughness to stay safe and avoid real stress on your body.


Benefits of Cycling for Weight Loss:

  • Efficient calorie burn: With an average calorie burn of 400-750 calories per hour, cycling is an effective way to create a calorie deficit and support weight loss.
  • Low-impact exercise: Cycling is gentle on the joints, making it an ideal choice for individuals with joint pain or injuries.
  • Full-body workout: While primarily targeting the lower body, cycling also engages the core muscles, helping you develop overall strength and stability.
  • Cardiovascular health: Regular cycling improves cardiovascular endurance, strengthens the heart, and lowers the risk of heart disease.
  • Mental well-being: Cycling outdoors can boost mood, reduce stress levels, and improve overall mental well-being.


Swimming is great for people wanting a light, heart-healthy activity. It’s perfect for injury recovery or facing joint pain. You’ll work your muscles in the water and boost your strength.

It’s not just about fun; swimming is a top choice for health. With just 30 minutes a few times a week, you reduce the risk of many diseases. It betters your heart and makes you healthier overall.

Swimming fits everyone, from newbies to pros. You choose how you swim based on what you can do and want to achieve. Try different strokes like freestyle or butterfly to work your body in various ways.

Swimming is top-notch for low-impact but high-cardio workouts. The water’s buoyancy protects your joints. This makes it ideal for those with joint problems.

Benefits of Swimming:

  • Provides a low-impact cardiovascular workout
  • Strengthens muscles and improves endurance
  • Burns calories and aids in weight loss
  • Enhances flexibility and coordination
  • Reduces stress and promotes relaxation

If you’re new or need help with your strokes, think about swim lessons. A good instructor can boost your skill. Always swim where it’s safe, like in pools or at guarded beaches.

So, put on your swimsuit and jump in the water for your next workout. You’ll see for yourself how swimming keeps you fit and happy without the worry of being too hard on your body.

Stroke Calories Burned in 30 Minutes*
Freestyle 250-350
Backstroke 200-300
Breaststroke 200-300
Butterfly 400-500

*Calorie burn may vary based on factors such as intensity, weight, and swimming technique.

Strength Training

Strength training is key for losing weight. It not only burns fat but helps build strong muscles. Adding it to your routine helps you lose weight and look toned.

During strength training, your muscles work against resistance. This can be weights, machines, bands, or just your body. Your muscles get stronger as you keep at it.

Strength training boosts your metabolism. It makes you burn calories even after you finish working out. This is great for losing weight.

Work out with weights 3-5 times a week for the best results. Each time, aim for about an hour. This lets you focus on different parts of your body. Rest your muscles between sessions to stay healthy.

The Benefits of Strength Training for Weight Loss

  • Increased muscle mass: Building lean muscle helps boost your metabolism and burn more calories.
  • Improved body composition: Strength training helps you lose fat while preserving muscle, leading to a more toned and defined physique.
  • Increased strength and functional fitness: By challenging your muscles, you not only improve your physical appearance but also enhance your physical performance in daily activities.
  • Reduced risk of injury: Strengthening the muscles and connective tissues can help prevent injuries during other physical activities.

There are many ways to do strength training. You can lift weights at the gym, work out at home, or join a class. Whatever you pick, make it a part of your weight loss journey. It’s great for changing your body and reaching your fitness goals.


Pilates is a top pick for getting your core strong and controlling weight. It zeroes in on your core muscles, like your abs, lower back, and pelvis. This makes your body stand taller and firmer.

It suits everyone, from newbies to workout buffs. Many Pilates exercises and classes are out there. They’re made for every kind of person.

Doing Pilates often links your mind with your body. It’s about moving with focus and taking deep breaths. This makes you more aware of your body. Over time, you might change the way you eat for the better.

Want to give Pilates a go? Look for classes online or at a gym nearby. Starting with the basics in a beginner’s class is wise. It helps to have a skilled instructor watch your form. And don’t forget, you can amp up your workouts as you gain strength.

Adding Pilates to your routine is great for a strong core and managing weight. It’s a gentle workout with big payoffs for your health and fitness.


Jogging is a highly effective way to lose weight. It involves running at a steady pace. This makes it a great choice for people at any fitness level. It’s not just about burning calories during the workout. Jogging also boosts your metabolic rate.

During and after a jog, your metabolic rate goes up. This higher rate means your body keeps burning calories even when you’re done. The effect may last up to 24 hours, aiding in continuous fat burn and weight loss.

Regular jogging also enhances your metabolism over time. This means your body gets better at burning fat and using energy. It’s a win-win for losing weight and feeling healthy.

Jogging is an easy exercise that needs very little. You can do it outside, on a treadmill, or on a track. It’s a simple and effective way to boost your weight loss routine.

Start jogging with a proper warm-up. Begin with a brisk walk and then move into a jog. Keep a pace where you can still talk easily. As you get fitter, you can take on longer or tougher jogs.

Always pay attention to how you feel and take it easy if needed. If jogging hurts, stop and maybe see a doctor. It’s smart to get advice from a healthcare professional before beginning, especially if you’re not sure about your health.

Benefits of Jogging:

  • Effective for weight loss
  • Boosts metabolic rate for up to 24 hours
  • Improves overall metabolism over time
  • Accessible and versatile exercise
  • Requires minimal equipment

Adding jogging to your routine can help a lot with weight loss. Get your running gear, hit the road or a treadmill, and enjoy the boost jogging gives to your fitness and weight goals.


Switching up your workout routine helps a lot when you’re trying to lose weight. To drop pounds, try brisk walking, jumping rope, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT). You can also cycle, swim, and do strength training or Pilates.

Checking with your doctor before you start anything new is smart. They can give you advice that fits your personal health. They’ll make sure you pick exercises that are good and safe for you.

There are plenty of ways to work out, like swimming or HIIT. Pick what you like and what works with your life, and stick with it. If you keep at it, you’ll hit your weight loss goals and feel better overall.


What are the best exercises for weight loss?

Some great exercises for cutting weight include brisk walking and jumping rope. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and cycling are also top choices. Swimming, strength training, Pilates, jogging, hiking, and yoga help too.

How does brisk walking help with weight loss?

Brisk walking burns more calories than regular walks. You can cut about 150 extra calories daily. Walk faster and longer to boost this. Start small and grow the distance and speed of your walks.

What are the benefits of jumping rope for weight loss?

Jumping rope is great for shedding pounds and works more muscles than running. It burns calories like a treadmill but adds more fun. Plus, it tones muscles in your core and limbs while enhancing coordination.

How effective is high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for weight loss?

HIIT mixes intense with easy activities, burning more calories than steady cardio. After HIIT, your body keeps burning fat for up to 24 hours. It’s a potent weight loss tool.

Is cycling a good exercise for weight loss?

Yes, cycling is excellent for slimming down and easy on the joints. It burns 400-750 calories an hour, depending on your weight and speed. Whether indoors or outdoors, it’s a solid weight loss choice.

What are the benefits of swimming for weight loss?

Swimming blends cardiovascular fitness with joint-friendly exercise. It’s great for building strength and lowering disease risks. Just 30 minutes, several times a week, can have big health benefits.

How does strength training help with weight loss?

Strength training boosts your metabolism and maintains muscle while losing fat. Do it 3-5 times weekly for an hour each session. A day’s rest between workouts is good for your body.

How does Pilates contribute to weight management?

Pilates builds core strength and size while helping with eating control. The lessons vary in intensity and can be found online or at gyms. It improves how you move and feel.

How does jogging help with weight loss?

Jogging is great for burning fat and boosting metabolism. It speeds up how your body burns calories for a whole day. Doing it regularly also improves your metabolism in the long run.

What exercises should I incorporate into my routine for weight loss?

Mix different exercises to reach your weight loss targets. Aim for brisk walking, jumping rope, HIIT, cycling, swimming, and more. Consult your doctor before you begin any new exercise plan.
